Public schools

The public schools in Livermore are part of the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District (LVJUSD) with headquarters at 685 East Jack London Blvd. The district has 11 elementary (K-5 and K-8) schools, three middle schools (grades 6-8), two comprehensive high schools, and three alternative high schools.

High schools

Livermore High School

Granada High School

Alternative Schools Accountability Model (ASAM) schools

Del Valle and Phoenix Continuation High Schools

Vineyard High School, an alternative independent study school

Adult education

 Livermore Adult School 

Pre-schools and day care

 Livermore has about 30 pre-schools and day care centers.

Private schools

 Our Savior Lutheran School (OSLS) St. Michael's Elementary and Middle Catholic School Valley Montessori

Colleges and universities

Las Positas College,  University of Phoenix

Companies in Livermore

Activant Bazaar Canton Concannon Vineyard Cresta Blanca Winery
Discovery Toys Prosoft Engineering SchedMD Wente Vineyards The Wine Group


Valley Memorial Hospital

Recycling in Livermore

Recycling, Yard Trimmings and Food Scraps, Garbage: Livermore Sanitation: 925-449-7300
City of Livermore:  925-960-8010
Livermore Residential Service Guide

 Recycling household hazardous waste